Planning and Operations

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Coordinated Signal Timing

Providing coordinated signal timing as a traffic engineering service involves optimizing the timing of traffic signals along a corridor or network to improve traffic flow and reduce congestion. Coordinated signal timing aims to synchronize signal phases and timings to create a green wave, allowing vehicles to progress smoothly with minimal stops and delays.

1.  Corridor Analysis: The first step in coordinated signal timing is to conduct a detailed analysis of the corridor or network where signals are located. This analysis involves examining traffic volumes, signal locations, roadway geometries, and other factors that impact signal timing optimization.

2.  Traffic Data Collection: Traffic engineers collect data on traffic volumes, turning movements, and patterns at various intersections along the corridor. This data helps in understanding the traffic demand and flow characteristics, which inform the development of coordinated signal timing plans.

3.  Signal Timing Optimization: Using specialized software and simulation tools, traffic engineers develop signal timing plans that aim to maximize traffic progression and minimize delays. These plans involve setting coordinated green times, cycle lengths, and offsets to create a green wave along the corridor, allowing vehicles to move efficiently without unnecessary stops.

4.  Simulation and Evaluation: The proposed signal timing plans are evaluated using traffic simulation models. These models simulate the traffic flow and performance under various scenarios to determine the effectiveness of the signal timing optimization. Engineers assess key performance indicators such as travel time, delays, queue lengths, and level of service to ensure the proposed timing plans meet the desired objectives.

5.  Field Implementation and Fine-Tuning: Once the optimized signal timing plan is finalized, it is implemented in the field. Traffic engineers work with signal technicians to adjust the signal controller settings and timings to match the proposed plan. Fine-tuning may be necessary based on real-world observations and feedback from field personnel to achieve optimal signal coordination and performance.

6.  Monitoring and Performance Evaluation: After implementation, traffic engineers continuously monitor the performance of the coordinated signal timing. This involves collecting field data, conducting traffic counts, and analyzing real-time traffic flow to assess the effectiveness of the timing plan. Any necessary adjustments or refinements are made to optimize signal coordination and address any emerging issues or changing traffic conditions.

7.  Integration with Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS): Coordinated signal timing can be enhanced through integration with ITS technologies. This includes using traffic sensors, adaptive signal control systems, or connected vehicle technologies to gather real-time data and adjust signal timings dynamically based on current traffic conditions. Integration with ITS further improves the efficiency and effectiveness of coordinated signal timing.

8.  Reporting and Recommendations: Traffic engineers provide comprehensive reports summarizing the signal timing optimization process, including the analysis, proposed plans, simulation results, and field implementation details. These reports also include performance evaluations and recommendations for future adjustments or expansions of the coordinated signal timing system.

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Mobility as a Platform (MaaS) Professional Services

Trafficopolis provides an array of services to assist Municipalities learn about, select, integrate, support, and market custom built MaaS solutions:

1.  MaaS Education and Consulting Services: Join us for our next Trafficopolis MaaS Education Seminar to explore some of the most impressive Global MaaS Projects and better understand your city's level of preparedness for an effective MaaS platform launch. Alternatively, let's engage in a Trafficopolis MaaS Vision Session to create your own MaaS strategy to kickstart the process of MaaS Implentation.

2.  MaaS Platform Whitelabel, Integrations, and Roll-Out: We work with the world's best MaaS Software providers in the world to provide your Municipality with a solution that is customer tailored to their own specific transportation requirements. We'll integrate with all micro-modalities (scooters, bikes, etc) that are relevant and popular in your jurisdiction to provide commuters the best route from point A to point B.

3.  MaaS Support Team (Pop-Up Traffic Management Centers): Once a MaaS solution is live, it requires alot of support in the form of data analysis, reporting, marketing, and in-field QA/QC. We deploy and staff these Pop-Up Traffic Management Centers to manage and support MaaS implementations. Let us take care of all things MaaS for your municipality, while delivering regular reports and staying in constant communication.

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